This is the continuation of the previous article:
The point about the population reduction is typical human approach to problems - we treat the symptoms and not the real cause of the problem. Reducing the number of people on our planet is like taking pain killer. It will give temporary relief but soon the pain will come back again. The problem is not that we have too many people living on this planet but how we use what we have and as I have said before we have a relatively small group of greedy people who accumulate excess of resources for themselves leaving at the same time majority on the edge of survival. Thus the remaining people ( after the reduction ) will recreate the same situation in the future ( another cycle ).
Another important point that needs to be mentioned is that the idea of population reduction has been
introduced because the current system which benefits only few who are in power, cannot handle so many people and thus endangers its existence. It is much more difficult to control so many people and those who are in power realize it thus they will try to bring the system under control. And that's why they have proposed the idea of population reduction. Of course this could not be introduced directly because otherwise people would react in anger thus the elite uses clever and proven manipulation techniques through which they will convince people that this is their decision and they will not oppose it as an immoral act. There is a secret to effective manipulation: "make sure to manipulate other people in such a way that they don't know that they are being manipulated and apart from this make them believe that they are making the decisions themselves". And this is what the elite does. They introduce the idea about the population reduction in such a way that it seems the only reasonable and logical way to save the planet and we ( people ) will not oppose it when it happens. And this is what I see is happening with that person that I have spoken in the restaurant. He has already started to form a belief that population reduction is the only and logical way, he accepts it although it is an immoral act and believes that this is his own decision.
This is not any conspiracy theory. This is all happening already. You just don't see it because you have made yourself blind with your belief and you don't oppose and react to it. You just silently accept it.
Population reduction will happen automatically anyway because we ( humans ) have a destructive life style and we are already on the path to not just a population reduction but complete life extinction on Earth. We are destroying this planet and once we reach a critical point the changes will be irreversible and the life will be destroyed.
To be continued...