The topic of this article came out today while having conversation with the person that I met in the restaurant today. After few
minutes of conversation we have started to talk about the crisis and general situation in the world. During this conversation this person mentioned that the solution for the current problems in the world would be a population reduction. The reason for it is that there are not enough resources on the planet and there are too many stupid and selfish people who destroy the planet. Educating these "stupid" people is rather not effective because this would take too long and our planet is already under great stress and something must be done quickly.
Now... all of the above are the general ideas and arguments of that person I spoke with today. The real fact is that our planet is under stress but it is not really because there are not enough resources but rather due to the fact that we are not using the resources effectively and we are not sharing them equally. We have relatively small group of greedy persons who have accumulated excess of these resources for themselves and through this they have left majority at the point of fighting for a survival which carries a consequence of accelerated destruction of the world because that majority of people are forced to use other resources in an ineffective way so that they may survive somehow.
Thus... would the population reduction be effective way to deal with the problems on our planet ?
To be continued...