I didn't have access to internet yesterday thus I am posting my article today.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give importance to the predictions of future events made by certain people whom I have allowed myself to define as credible and later I have adjusted my behavior and decisions according to these predictions.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the moment I accept somebody's predictions of future events as credible I am giving my power away to this beliefs and at the same time I give my energy and I start to co-create these events together with the prophet; thus the fulfillment of the prophecy starts to depend on my input and co-creation with the prophet and other believers.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that the prophecy is just a thought like any other and the only difference from other thoughts, is that I decide to give importance to this thought and later through my choice to give my energy, my power and my physical effort to this particular thought I intend to try to manifest it in the physical world so that I may prove to myself and to others that my prophecy ( thought ) is true.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to prove to others that I am right and thus I find a particular thought ( prophecy ) - which quite often is destructive - and later I try to manifest in the physical reality and my only reason for it is that I want to prove that I am right and important.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that most of the prophecies are based on self interest and I am only trying to make it look big by believing that they come from divine inspiration so that I may feel good, that I ma being right and important.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that instead of giving my energy, my attention, resources and my power away to destructive thoughts - which I call prophecy to make myself feel important and self right - I could dedicate all of my attention and resources towards creating and manifesting ideas which are best for all and through this make the world a place where life is being respected and cherished instead of destroying it.
I commit myself to stop giving my attention and resources to destructive thoughts ( prophecies ) and create and manifest ideas which are best for all and respect life.