I didn't have access to internet yesterday thus I am posting my article today.
This is the continuation of the previous article about responsiblity when selling guns.
Thus what would be the solution in regards to selling guns and which would be best for all ?
We have to make clear here that whenever we are considering the principle of what is best for all there is no more discussions about defending my own beliefs and interests. It must be best for all and that's it. Thus we ask ourselves if selling the guns is in the best interest of all ?
It is obvious that in this case the only people who will benefit from it are:
- the manufacturer ( direct manufacturer, government etc. )
- the seller ( direct seller, government etc. )
- their families
- somebody who defends himself against the thieves or attackers
But apart from few benefits for those mentioned above there are also those who will loose and there are many of them. And it is interesting that among those who loose are also people - mentioned above - who in he first place benefit from it.
Thus how many people loose as a result of making business with guns ?
Innumerable... we kill so many people in all the wars, through crime etc... and quite often die innocent people as a result of it... then we also have loss on the side of animals, insects, plants and the whole planet. Is this not clear enough that the guns are not the solution best for all ? Even if just one innocent person died from the use of guns it would be enough to destroy all of them and never use again. But we have reached a point of evolution when we kill thousands at once with the use of guns and we don't even shed a tear because we have got used so much to it that it is "normal". But it is not normal. We all know it. We simply deny it and find stupid excuses ( e.g. if you don't do it then somebody else will do it anyway ) to make ourselves feel better and deny the facts. And the fact is that if you are selling or manufacturing guns then you are responsible for all the suffering that it is done with this gun. It is call absolute responsibility and if you don't understand it yet, then there will come a moment when you will. But it may not be as pleasant anymore and it will be too late to stop all the consequences and repair the damage.
Thus I hope that now it is clear to all of you - who are reading this article - that guns is not the solution which is best for all and thus the guns should be completely discarded and destroyed.
To be continued...