In the morning I was not in the best form. I think this was the result of intensive work yesterday. Anyway I did not have any appointments in the morning and I could take time for myself and recover.
In the afternoon I felt better and after I did the appointment I went to the gym. This was the day with heavy weights and I tried to put more weights on the bars but I could not lift. And I went down a little bit. Thus I am holding my weight rather stable. And it is the same with the strength but I do not make further progress. Well... it is not that I need to make this progress as I am already lifting heavy weights anyway. But then I need to mention that my body is taking on more muscular and toned shape. And this is also one of the things that I want to achieve with this experiment. Thus it is not that I do not make any progress. Apart from this I feel better, stronger and I have more energy to do things.
Apart from I did the test with medical instrument and it showed some toxicity. Now... I see this increase in toxicity when I have my difficult moments with hangover like symptoms etc. And then this hangover is followed often by either working a lot or having muscle pains from intensive exercises. And this morning there was accumulation of these both elements. Thus I had muscle pains from yoga class and I did a lot of work yesterday. So this is something that I will need to investigate because my increase in toxicity does not have to come from these new protein supplements. Or maybe this is the 3rd element that contributes to these hangover like moments. In any case I need to investigate it further to be able to say something more about it.
I think that is all for now.