That was an intensive day at work. So I did not do any exercises today. Apart from this I had crisis and I needed to eat something between the appointments. I am not certain at this stage whether these are the withdrawal symptoms and I should push through or whether I am actually in the nutritional deficit and I do good that I eat. One thing is clear to me. When I ate in the moment of crisis my body very quickly stopped eating my muscles. I felt quite full in my stomach although I did not eat so much but at least I stopped the symptoms which I describe as eating my muscles. But the same happens with any kind of addiction. Smoke a cigarette or drink some alcohol and the symptoms disappear quickly.
What else ?
I did not do meditation today. I did something twice lying down but doing it in sitting position is more effective. And I did not do it. And now it is getting late and I do not feel like doing it.
It looks like this is going to be a short article.