In the morning I went to the yoga class. There was a movement in my mind trying to find an excuse not to go. But I did not give my power to it and I went to the class. It was a good decision as in the next couple of week it will help me to improve my flexibility. Later I will decide whether continue there or go somewhere else where there is more advanced level of classes. We will see later.
Last night I did not eat any fresh fruits in my dinner. They are full of water and with having 1 meal a day that is not effective way to fill up the space in my stomach. Instead I had some nuts and a little bit of dry fruits etc. For now I can say that it was effective as was able to go through the day much easier than on the other days.
In the morning I took the second of my protein supplements. But in the tests it shows big changes in the lines and thus I need to investigate it further whether this is good for me. In any case tomorrow I will use the first amino acid supplement as this one when taken in smaller dose seems to be ok for my body.
In the evening I went to the gym. Generally I felt ok although I had slight muscle pain as yesterday I did hard training. So today I did a different and easier training. As for now I plan to go to the gym every day and then I want to do second round of exercises at home. I want to get quicker results and use it for my work as my body is my publicity.