This is the 7th day of my experiment with the diet and exercises. My body is stable. Despite having only 1 meal in the evening I maintain my body weight. When I comes to strength in the gym I am at my best and with some exercises ( weights lifting ) I have already beaten my personal records. And I expect this week to push even more. This short period of time was enough to change my body shape to the point that people look at me in amazement. They just say it themselves and that means that the change is big.
Today I had muscle pains in my legs as yesterday I had intensive training and I did new exercises which activated new muscles. Thus this is normal. Though I notice that taking protein and amino acids supplements helps with recovery and the muscle pains are lesser.
I just did few test with my medical instrument. The measurements are good and stable though I see some increase in the toxic metals in my body. This could be the side effect of the supplements or it is the result of burning the fat. Normally the fat tissue stores toxins and in the case of fat burn these substances are released and they start circulate in the body. And I can pick this up with my instrument. I need to monitor it further and in the case when I see further increase of this values in my measurements I will have to stop taking those new supplements that I started last week.
Apart from this I also notice that the quality of sleep is better. It is very noticeable. Probably I could sleep less but the issue with staying in bed and snoozing is preventing progress with it. Also I notice that I remember better my dreams.
This is a very interesting experiment in my life. It looks like I will stay on this regime for some time. I will try at some point go vegetarian but for now I want to see that I am stable and that I do not have side effects from the protein supplements.