I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I woke up very late. Well... first I opened my eyes and I started to do my morning mind exercises in bed. And I fell asleep again and woke up late. Then I did some things around the house and I met with friends. First we had a chat about our processes and then we did meditation. Later I went to the gym and afterwards I decided to do meditation again. I notice that I lost a bit momentum with my meditation because I was not regular this week. Anyway I get myself back on track.
When it comes to the exercises in the gym I notice that I am getting much stronger. I am close to my personal best but I have not tested it. I am gradually increasing the weights. Apart from this doing the exercises more regularly together with stretching feels really good as it helped me to get rid of some pains. They were simply related to lack of flexibility and movement. It is so easy to get rid off them.
What else ?
Well... this week I am planning to get myself back on track and focus on my projects. And definitely I will not allow myself to lose time on silly things. I am going back to my experiment with positivity.
Ah... this is also interesting. When I met with my friends we went out to have a drink. Our conversation prolonged and they got hungry. I was there asking myself if I should also east something. But I did not really have hunger. Yes... I could eat something without a problem but there was no need for it so I decided not to. I only ate my second meal for the day after the gym workout.