I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Definitely I cannot say that I am a lazy person. This week I worked very little with the clients and finally I had more time for myself but still I went to a very important business meetings. Though on the other hand there is a big resistance towards working with my other projects. It is difficult for me to motivate myself to do something and instead I waste time on silly things on the computer like masturbation and computer game.
Why am I doing it ?
Well... I had really intensive weeks at work lately and I think that I am taking time for myself to relax on these silly things. I feel like this is enough and tomorrow I will start working with my projects.
Though I need to also mention that I am going a bit through some doubts and lack of motivation. In the last couple of months I put a lot of effort towards my goals and still I do not see them manifested in my life. And today I noticed this element in my mind. I struggle with finding motivation to do things. But I also ask myself whether this is the consequence of masturbation ?! In some way I am aware that when watching porn I am connecting with the minds of these people there and maybe now I am cleaning the shit that I connected with ?
Anyway I want to start tomorrow with my projects and go back to regular meditation and exercises.