I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Why do I dedicate so much time to writing about my food ?
Because to me it is fascinating and incredible. For a big part of my life I ate 3-5 times a day and I did not know how to change it. It was frustrating to me because I have heard many times about people who ate once a day etc. And I realised at some point that eating food for me was out of fear of losing weight. And suddenly unexpectedly boom and I eat twice a day without a problem. And on top of it I am preparing to experiment with eating once a day. Something has changed inside of me ( belief etc. ) and this is fascinating. I do something which I thought was not possible. Well... this word is not so correct. I knew that it was possible because other people did it but it was outside of my knowing how to do it.
Today was busy at work again. But still I had some time in the afternoon for myself. I took it easy. I met with friends and I watched a film. I did not do exercises ( well... I did a little bit at home ) today as I had light muscle pains from yesterday's workout in the gym. But I did not do meditation today. Now it is late and I want to skip it. I do not feel like it.
What else ?
Today I feel sweetness in my heart. It looks like it has something to do with sexual energy. Yesterday I decided to masturbate although I did not feel like it and I think that this unblocked the energy. Interesting. And maybe this has also something to do that I slept so much lately !? I am still investigating this topic and waiting for some breakthrough like with the food.