I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I was busy at work. And I allowed myself to sleep between the appointments. Tomorrow I should have a day off and I will try to get back on track with my experiments with sleeping less. The other part of experiment with 2 meals a day is going well and if I see that I am able to keep my weight steady like this then I will try with 1 meal a day.
This experiment with food is very interesting because knowing that I can only eat 2 times a day then I need to think of what I need to eat what kind of foods I eat. Before I ate whatever I wanted and whenever I wanted. Now I can eat the same foods but because I eat only 2 times then I cannot eat all in one day. So I have to decide that I will eat something but other things ( which I also like ) must wait for another day.
Today I did no exercises but that is ok as I had intensive workout with basketball yesterday. So the rest is ok for my muscles although I had only light muscle pains.
I did already meditation with my friends so I am already free. And after I finish this article I have nothing else to do. I do not have any realisations to share today.