I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Last night I lasted until about 4 am and I lied down in bed. I slept about 6 hours. Maybe less as I do not remember exactly the time I lied down in bed. It is interesting that although I sleep less I am not more tired than when I sleep 8 hours.
I do not feel like writing this article right now. It is late and I had very busy day at work. And tomorrow my agenda is also full.
I continue with eating 2 meals a day. My weight is rather stable. I have extra 2 kg of fat in my body but this is nothing to worry about. I am just checking whether living on 2 meals is ok for my body. And right now this new concept is being really put to the test as I have really intensive days at work. And then this extra fat gives me some reserves.
Tonight I will not stress my body with working on the computer and staying awake. I go to bed after I finish this article and I allow myself to sleep 8 hours unless I wake up by myself earlier.
I did not do any exercises today and I did not do meditation. I will only do the short version before sleep.
That is all for today.