I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I do not have any realisations for today. I did some work. I did my meditation. But I did not do any exercises. I felt like wanted to do it although I went to the gym yesterday but I ended up doing things on internet and later it was too late to do it.
So now I do not know what to write. I am working now on catching up with couple of my projects. Before I start moving forward with my main project I would like to finish with all tasks that are lagging behind and waiting till I finish them.
I noticed that lately my breathing has not been effective. I do not breathe deep enough and I am not aware of it like I used to be.
Lately I have more vivid dreams and I remember them better. I realise that I have more dreams when I sleep longer. Before when I used to practice sleeping 6 hours or less I hardly had any dreams. Maybe I did not remember them but now I do.
I really do not know what to write now. So I finish it here as there is no sense for me to sit in front of the computer thinking about what I could write.