I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had an easy day. A little bit of work with client and the rest of the day was for me. But I was tired from working too much on the computer and I allowed myself sleep long in the morning. I would not like to sleep so long but at the moment it does me good when I am tired.
What else ?
I forgot to do exercises. I did meditation in the morning and after this article I will do one as well. I meditate in my pyramid on the terrace and it does some interesting work. I feel more stable energetically. And the same with couple of my friends who do it here every day or every second day.
What else ?
Today I have been thinking about my ex. I was asking myself if I we could get back together. And the answer is yes. But there is a condition. This realisation that I came up yesterday about being free from polarities of the mind would have to be shared by her. If not then there is not point of getting back together as we would replay the game of polarities again and we would end up disappointed and hurt again. Sometimes I miss her and I wish that she would contact me especially that I let her know that I would like to re-establish contact with her. But then I get myself centred again when I tell myself that probably she does not feel the same way about this middle point ( zero point without pulling force of polarities ) and I feel at peace again. Because if she does not look for this middle point then she is still wanting to experience polarities and I am not up for it any more. Anyway I wish her all the best.
That is all for today.