I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I did the last bit of my project on the terrace. During the make up of this project I saw new things that will need to be done as I did not take them into account when planning. For example one of them is that I need to buy or make some kind of stairs or ladder so that people may access it easy. On the other hand while walking the path I started to get some new ideas of how to improve it and make it stronger and more efficient. Thus officially I finished the project today but I will continue to work on improving it.
Today I did no exercises as I wanted to have rest for my muscles. It was also that last night I worked until late to the publicity done and I was also tired from it.
It is getting late and I want to go to sleep now although I did not do meditation yet. I will try to do the shorter version.
Lately I have been thinking more about the end of my JTL articles. I did not want to think about and I was avoiding this topic until now as I did not want to get frustrated etc. but the end of it is getting closer and I am looking forward to this date. This thing with writing articles is not such a big thing as it takes about 10-30 min but still in some way this is a challenging task to do. Thus I have still about 5 months to go.
That is all for today.