I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I got some time to continue working with my project. It involves the 3d printer and I needed to clean and adjust the machine. Unfortunately it does not go the way I would like it to go. There is a problem with levelling the printer and without this I will not be able to progress. And I have spent quite a lot of time trying to figure it out and it is still not finished. But the most important point within this whole situation is that I see that it is getting late and I stopped myself from continuing working on it ( although I did not finish it ). I leave it for tomorrow or maybe another day as tomorrow I have a bit of work with my clients.
Still I have not gone back to exercises. I did something but this was very little. This thing with the printer gets my whole attention and I do not want to waste time on anything else.
What else ?
Hmmm... I do not know. I get myself to smile more. It is not like it is coming automatically and naturally yet. I do an exercises through which I focus on smiling and eventually it gets stronger and natural but throughout the day I focus on my things and projects ( like the 3d printer ) and then I become serious.
I think that is all for today.