I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This morning I woke up with the thoughts of what is this all about ? And why do I bother to do it ? This was in relation to the skeleton of the pyramid that I made yesterday. The thing is that I put a lot of effort and resources ( time and energy ) into it and I also spend money on it and I don't really have any visible effects from it. Well... this is how it looks from the outside.
Anyway I do not want to give my time and energy and doubts to it. I mention it here to show how I deal with it. Thus I had this thought. I realised quickly that this made some change on the energy level and other levels. There is some element of resistance and/or fear of change ( either within myself and/or it is connected to my neighbours ) and this doubt is manifestation of it. In any case I recognized it quickly and I stopped giving my energy to it. I do not see fully at this moment what will this situation change in my life but I simply continue to walk forward and I will see it later. There is some kind of inner desire/motivation to do it.
Apart from this I continue to be busy at work. I try to stick to my plan and limits of how much I work with clients but still I am on the edge. But this has also to do with the fact that I put a lot of effort towards my project of building a pyramid and I use the time that could be used for rest towards work on this project. Anyway I also have my rewards and satisfaction from doing my project.
And again this is another day without exercises. I wanted to go to the gym today but I was too tired and I decided to stay at home and do some easy things. Yesterday I did the meditation in the pyramid. It was interesting.