I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had a very busy day at work. But I did not cross my daily limit allowance although I had a chance to do it. Somebody asked me for a treatment during the day. At that time I was still ok and I was considering the possibility of accepting it but I decided not to do it. And good that I did it because after I finished my last treatment I was done and it would be very difficult to do this extra treatment. So I am proud of myself that I keep up with my plan.
Apart from this I am making big progress with my project. I was designing on a computer with a 3d program a pyramid for my terrace and I finally finished it. But that is not all. I got enlightened and I came with an interesting modification to my design. Now I am going to look around how to build it. I will do it with a help of a professional carpenter or if that would be too expensive then I will do it myself. My strong point is that I am can learn new things. So I can also do this one.
What else ?
Again I did not do any exercises or meditation. But I am not so concerned about it. This project that I am working on right now is very important and the exercises can wait a little bit.
Also what is important is that I got the silly ideas and temptations out of my head and I stay focused on constructive things in my life.
Now is time to go to sleep.