I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today the day was busy with work. Though less intensive and within my healthy limits. No exercises today and no meditation. I spent some time with designing my project on the computer. And then I also spoke with a friend who needed some assistance after her relationship broke off.
You'll know... it was interesting that it was so easy to see for me the play out of this relationship. My friend was completely broken as she did not know what was going on. She thought that everything was good until the moment of break up. But I started to ask questions if she had any situations when she was in fear or having any unbalanced emotions. She could not say anything. But then I pointed out that at some point she was afraid about certain element in her body. She agreed although she tried to justify as normal human reaction. I started to ask more questions and slowly she started to bring on the situations from her relationship when she noticed something was not right but she ignored it as she was in love. And I think that she started to realise that the things were not as perfect as she thought and she simply ignored them instead of finding constructive solution.
Anyway it is a very painful lesson for her but she should learn from it and she should not repeat the same mistake again.
On my behalf I noticed that something is not flowing smoothly in our friendship and I actually started to bring this point in our last conversation. I did not understand what it was but this friendship was getting boring for me. Now I know why. She was out of balance herself and of course this affected this friendship. We will see how she gets out of it but I think that now she should get through this point easy once she starts to see with more clarity.
Altogether I am pleased that I was able to detect that something is not flowing smoothly and I brought this point to the table without actually knowing exactly what was going on. So my 6th sense works fine.