I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Lately I got excited and motivated about my projects and I started to work with them again. Though I see that I did too much in short period of time and I got out of balance. The element that gets me out of balance the most is working long hours on the computer. Well... I should not say that it is computer that is responsible for this problem. It is me who was not managing the time in the best possible way.
Anyway today I realised the mistake that I make. Thus I get excited and I start to work. But then I want to finish it as soon as possible and I work until late and until I am completely tired. And there is the problem because once I get below certain critical point of tiredness then it is much more difficult to recover from it. And if I stay there for too long then comes the moment when I crash. And then I need 1-2 days to recover. So this is this pattern when I make 3 steps forward very quickly but then I make 2-3 steps back. And in the end I am not as effective as if I was making my steady steps and maintain balance and harmony in my life.
The correction to this issue is as follows. I need to set a certain allowed limit of how much I work so that I do not fall below the critical point off tiredness. Finishing the work for the day when I am not tired will help me to keep my balance and then I will have this element of looking forward to the next moment when I can start again working on my project. Because now it is that I go to sleep very tired and I wake up tired. And then there is this point of struggle to get up and there is less enjoyment in working on my project.
This is the plan. I need to apply practically in my life and then I will be able to say if that is effective and worth doing.