I am catching up with posting online my articles.
As I said yesterday I went to meet today a friend with whom I finished my friendship few weeks ago. We went to eat something in the restaurant and we talked. But we did not touch any deep topics. We shared the news and we finished. I guess that we will be in contact but when it comes to closer friendship I do not see it.
Apart from this I did some work. But I did not do much more apart from this. It is getting late and I want to do my meditation.
When I comes to realisations, I am looking at the point of why I like so much this particular song that I discovered on internet 3 days ago and I listened to it more than 50 times already. There must be a reason for it. I asked my friends if they like it as well. And they do indeed because it is a great songs but they only listened to it 1 time and that was enough.
Ahhh... here it is something new. I got a message from another person that got in conflict with me few weeks ago. It looks like she starts to realise that her emotional reaction was not appropriate. I did not respond to it. I wait if there is more intention to re-establish contact. And it is interesting to see it. Because that is already second person trying to get back after having friction and conflict which ended with emotional reaction.