I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Hmmm... not sure what to write today. I was busy with work but I also had time for myself. I was not so effective with my other things today. I found on internet one artists and I liked it so much that I listened to her 2 songs about 30 times.
What else ?
I did some exercises at home but I did not go to the gym although I should. I will do the meditation later.
There is not much to write about today. It is one of those days. Anyway I have to write something just to write and fill up the paper with words.
Lately when I have more time for myself and I am more rested, my massages are very good. It is no surprise.
I have not written lately anything about investing. The market is rather stagnant and I do not make any significant progress in there.
That is all for today.