I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I was looking at the point of my life when I have less work and when I have more work. So last summer I had a lot of time for myself and I dedicated a lot of time towards doing meditation and my experiments with positivity. And it was interesting to see the results and benefits of it. One of them was that I started to feel sweetness my heart more often and stronger. I was smiling more and feeling happy more than before. I even changed the title of my articles from "I do not know what to write" into "My life is full of love, joy and abundance".
Though lately I see that my focus and discipline to do the meditation and keeping up with positivity has a bit faded away. I could say that this is the consequence of working more but then I cannot accept tis excuse as valid. There is something that when I work with people it affects my energies and I need to dedicate some time to recover from it sometimes but in general it is me who loses the focus.
Anyway I also see the tendency and trend over the last couple of years that I lose this focus less often. It every time I fall it is more and more clear to me that I do not want to deal with the consequences of it. It is boring experience and I do not want to repeat it again. So basically I came to the point when I realised that I am the one responsible for this falling down and it is all up to me to prevent it. On the other hand staying focused brings the sweetness in my heart and body and so this is should be for me the greatest motivation to stay focused.