I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I worked a lot on the computer. I am doing the publicity and in the end it was much more work than expected. But then I do it good once and I will have it for long time. But still there is also the point that I did it much faster because I had already a lot of stuff done in the past ( e.g. logos, other publicity etc. ) and I could use copy and paste or make some changes. And thanks to all this work and effort that I put into it in the past pays off now.
I did not do any work with the clients but I went to the gym. Though in the evening I crashed and I started to do silly things on the computer. And I did not do my meditation.
What else ?
My new colleagues are also very effective with work I see that we should be able to move the project very fast forward. And now I have also a proof that it is possible to find people with high standards and there is not need to go on compromise on my values. Those who are not able to go along just go different way and join us in another moment.