I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had a day off from work. Yesterday I worked a lot and today I needed to recover from it. So I went to the beach in the morning and later I was doing my things at home.
I just did a meditation like I used to do before but still I see some resistance within me. This is kind of normal after having a break or not being regular with it. So now I need to give some effort to get back on track with it. And the same with physical exercises.
What was surprising today for me that although I struggled with my breathing lately and I was not aware of my breathing, my lungs are still strong. Today I could hold the air for long underwater. I was close to my best. So I was really pleased and at the same time surprised.
What else ?
Not sure what I could write. This week I work together with my new colleagues. Well... they are working in my studio and I do my work outside or in between their appointments. But still this is the opportunity for us to get each other better and see whether we can really work together as a team. Soon they are going back home and we will see how it is going to be then. Because the project ( our project ) is going to happen only if we give our effort to it. And being apart can be tricky.