I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I did a very good treatment in the morning and then I had time for myself. I was doing my investigation and experiment with the new idea that I wrote about yesterday or the day before. At the moment I cannot say yet that this is something effective and worth doing. But I will give it another go before I decide to discard it.
Apart from this I have couple of therapists ( possible partners in the project of creating healing center ) in my studio doing their therapies. They are also doing great work with their patients.
Today I spent some time updating my website dedicate to the project. It was just a small thing but the most important is that I do something and I move forward with it.
No exercises today although I will try to do something now. And the same with the meditation. Actually I did some breathing exercises.
What else ?
There is not much more to share. So instead of stirring at the computer and trying to think about what I can write about, I finish it here and I do the exercises.