I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I slept a lot during the day. But still this did not help and I still feel low on energy. I think I spent too much time on the computer and not enough in the nature. I will try to go tomorrow to the beach.
No exercises today. I tried to do the meditation but because I was lying down in bed so I ended up falling asleep few times. Breathing is also not effective.
I do not know what else I could write.
Lately I do not feel as much the sweetness in my heart. This is clearly related that my energy levels are down.
Today I spoke with one person interested to work with me. But because this person cannot comprehend the concept that she needs to give 100% to this project and that she is responsible 100% for the success of it, so I decided that this is not the moment and/or not the right person. In any case I am in contact with 3 other therapists and we will see how it goes with them.
That is all for today.