I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I managed to not waste time on silly things. I stayed rather focused. Though I see that my focus got away from my breathing. And this is the base and the building block for everything else.
Today I got an idea of why I sleep so much. Thus I think that it does not matter how long I sleep. Thee is no need to fight with it. The most important is that when I am awake in this reality I should use the time and my resources in the best possible way. And if I do it good then this goodness will grow and I will attract and create more of the good energy and substance which will keep me awake more time. And so here comes the point with the breath. I should be really focused and aware of my breath and use the full potential which comes with every single breath. And it all makes sense because every breath gives my body fresh air and energy to sustain my body. We will see. It is clear and it has been clear to me for a very long time that breathing is really important. The only thing is that I did not give always the top priority to it in my life.
What else ?
I am getting stronger at the gym. This is normal when I train regularly. I am pleased with it.
That is all for today.