I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had a day off. I did not have any appointments so I decided to take it easy. I continue to have the tendency to waste time. There is a tendency but I am already looking at it and changing it. It simply means that I do not feel like doing certain constructive things and I have to push myself against this I do not feel like. Right now I sit in front of the computer and I think of playing computer game or watching porn or something like this. For example I know that it would be good for me to do the meditation but I have to push myself to do it. I will do it but there is this element of literally forcing myself to do it.
Part of this I do not feel like was also my absence from going to the gym. I started to see the laziness and excuses within my mind and so today I went to the gym. I did a light training but this does not matter.
What else ?
Well... I am behind with posting online my articles. It has been already over 3 months since I did it last time. It would be better for me if I started to do it soon and be done with it.
What else ?
That is all for today.