I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Yesterday morning I was very concerned whether I would be able to do a massage for my client 24 hours later. I started to apply my self-healing method and it worked. This morning I did the massage and I was fine. There was no pain in my shoulder.
There is only one other thing coming up. I feel the first symptoms of cold and flu in my body. And the reason for this is that I spent too much time on the computer and I did not breath correctly. I feel again the tension in my head and my mind. And I need to do something about it.
I still have not done any exercises today. I could because I am fit in my body but then I decided to wait a little bit more. Now I have to focus on stopping the cold symptoms and thus I doubt that I would do any intensive exercises tomorrow. Maybe something easy.
What else ?
I do not what else I could write. It is getting late and I still want to do my meditation. I do not feel like doing it but I will push myself over the resistance.