I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I do not know what to write. Today I was busy with my colleague doing some photos for new publicity and later I worked on the computer processing these photos and updating my websites. I am pleased that I see some movements in this direction. There is still some work to be done and so I will do it step by step according to my capacity taking into consideration that I have some busy days ahead of me.
Still have not gone to the gym. But I continue to do exercises at home and I see that I am getting stronger.
What else ?
That is the point that I do not know what to write today.
Today I did not feel so much sweetness but still the day was peaceful and flown in harmony.
Ahhh... this is something interesting and worth sharing. In regards to investing I came to the point when I do not know what do. I have sold everything and I need to make the decision about when to buy something. But in the not knowing what to do I have the temptation to go and check what others say. Like I am trying to find the answers outside of me which is also stating that others know better than me. Maybe they know better than I know in this moment because they have more experience etc. but it does not mean that I am not able to make the right and the optimal decision by myself right now. So I am restraining myself from checking up some YouTube channels or read the market analysis from others. I have been trying to come to this point where there is no distractions in my life from outside so that I could make my own decision. It is a very interesting situation in my life in regards to this point with investing. We will see how it goes.