I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I do not know what to write today. Wait... that is not true... not long ago I got a very important realisation while doing meditation. So lately I have been doing bad investing decisions. I got lost in it as I dedicated a lot time watching the market on my computer. Of course there is nothing wrong with it but I gave to it my top priority over my breathing and meditation. And as I said I got lost in it and I would say the result of it was that I was doing wrong decisions. The asset that I was investing in was going up but still I made the wrong decisions influenced by fear and panic and I lost some money instead of making profit. Of course I am disappointed with myself etc. But this kind of situation make me also think about the reason and cause behind it.
So the realisation that came out of this whole situation was that I wanted to become wealthy through investing and I have given top priority to it but I missed the point that I am giving away my power to something outside of me. Look... I can become a successful investor meaning that I would make money profit from it but this does not make me wealthy. I am the source of my wealth. I create the wealth and I can make myself a successful investor. I am the source and I am the creator. And here I wanted become wealthy through something outside of me meaning that investing would make me wealthy. I hope you get what I write here and you follow my way of thinking.
So now I am taking everything back to me. And thus I become the creator of my wealth which cannot be taken by anything and/or anybody outside of me. How could it be if I am the source of it ?! And this also solves the point that my wealth was fluctuating up and down depending on the condition of the market. Obviously this was frustrating and I was already asking myself about this point.
Thus I summarize the realisation my realisation. I am the creator of my wealth and not something outside of me. Thus investing which is outside of me will not make me wealthy. Though I can make myself and become a successful investor which could bring me abundance of money and wealth but there remains the point that I am the creator of my wealth and abundance.
WOW.... very important and incredible realization for me.