I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had free afternoon and I decided to buy some computer parts that I need. Thus I took my car and I drove. On the way I noticed that I start to feel tension in my body ( tummy ). I still do not know exactly why but this could be that I am getting away from the comfort of my home. My home is kind of special place ( like a temple with a different atmosphere and energy ) and maybe because I was going away from this place and entering the place with different energies. I do not know yet but this is an option as an explanation of my tension.
Today I did no exercises as I was busy with other things. It has been already 3 days since I was last time in the gym. Tomorrow I need to go although I have busy day at work.
I had an interesting realisation just now in regards to investing but I will write about it tomorrow.
It is getting late and I want to get some rest.