I am catching up with posting online my articles.
During the day I felt that my energy is being stuck. Later I decided to take the break from the computer and I went to the beach. I was there for about 3 hours and I came back home. I still was a bit blocked. I went out for a coffee. I sat down in the restaurant watching the sea and thinking about my life. I realised that I was focusing too much on what I am missing and so I decided to do the thankfulness moment. So I started to focus on what I have achieved and be thankful for. In the end I have achieved a lot. After I started to feel like the blockage dissipated and I started to feel sweetness in my heart and body.
2 or 3 days ago I started to do exercises at home. I did very little but that was not important. The next day I also did only little ( maybe 5 minutes ). Today I also did little but I did it already twice. So I see that this approach is effective. I do not fight with myself and with my body. I do what makes me joy and I see that gradually I get more motivated and stronger and most importantly it is without having muscle pains. I think this is the right way for me.
What else ?
I did a good meditation today. In the last couple of day I was not in top form and my mental exercises were not so effective.