I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I am fascinated and literally in love with the rule that I am following in my life:
Sometimes I ate my food and I left dirty plates in the sink because I did not feel like doing it right in the moment. The thing is that I have to do it anyway but if I leave the dishes in the sink then they will dry out and it is more difficult to clean them later. I need to spent more time cleaning them and I need to use more resources ( water ) to do the job. On the other hand doing it straight away requires quite often just rinsing without any detergent and it is quicker. The main point that keeps me from doing it or not is I DO NOT FEEL LIKE DOING IT NOW.
Ahhh... here is one more thing. Leaving the dishes in the sink later uses also my brain resources because I think about it every time I see the dirty plates in the sink. And this itself literally makes me tired. The worst thing is when I leave something for later because now I am tired or I do not feel like doing it now but later I am even more tired than before ( because I am busy at work or I am tired from thinking that I have to do the dishes or both ). It is really a nightmare for me.
Thus now I push myself to do the things now ( even though I really do not feel like doing it ) rather than later. The only exception is when I am in a hurry and I have some appointments etc.
Following this rule gives me reward in the form of joy when I see that my house is clean and tidy. It is something WOOOW for me.