I am catching up with posting online my articles.
From now when there is a moment in my life when I do not know what to write then I will change the title of my article to "MY LIFE IS PEACEFUL, ABUNDANT AND FULL OF LOVE".
Today I realised a thing that when I do something I need to give my 100% into it. Of course I knew about it for a very long time but there were points in my life where I missed this element. And thus when I decided to do something I need to give all that I have. I noticed that I had thoughts about this point in the last 1-2 weeks but now it becomes more clear to me. And that is why I mention it here as a realisation for today.
Today I stayed at home and dedicated most of the time to investing as there was a lot of activity on the market. And here applies as well this point with giving 100%. It is not like "well... I invest and hope that everything is going to be ok". I realise that here I also have to push myself and be engaged fully. I find it very interesting.
Today I slept during the day as I needed to take break from the computer. Most probably I will not be able to fall asleep so easy tonight so I will do some exercises.