I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have nothing special to write about. Today I had no work. I spent most of the day at home doing my things and sleeping as I felt tension in my body. Later in the afternoon I went to the gym but again the training was easy because of this tension. The tension is related to the investing. It is not stress. It is just that I feel the tension in the air.
What else ?
Nothing special. Today I spent some time with my colleague who starts to work with me. She needed some assistance with her process. I hope that it helped her. We will see.
I left the article for a while and still I do not know what to write. I used this time to play the computer game. I used to it to supress and cover my feeling not so good today. I am disappointed with the investing because my strategy did not work although I have given a lot of effort and time to it. But it is obvious that I have just fallen into the trap. And I used an excuse just to do it.
Now I go to sleep.