I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I do not know what to write. I did some work today and then I had the rest of the day for myself. I did some exercises at home. I did some work on the computer. I did some meditation. I had some sleep during the day. And that was my day. The life in paradise.
I have nothing to say at the moment.
I am looking at the point of helping and assisting other people. This was the idea behind the healing center that I have been working on for the last couple of years. Last year I had a group of 6 people ( therapists ) who were part of this project but it did not work out. Then I was going through the process of disappointment that people do not want to be helped. They want that somebody does the things for them but in general they are lazy and they have resistance to do something on their own. And then there comes this point that there were many masters before me who tried to help and assist people but we did not take their helping hand as much as we could for the same reason of being lazy etc. And so I have a question whether it makes any sense to establish this healing center ?
Well... I have these doubts occasionally. In general there is no question that it would be good to have one. Though I realise that I will not be able to do it on my own. So we will see how it goes. At the moment I have one person who showed interest in the project and I see self-movement and self-motivation. So maybe this will the right person to do it with me ?
That is all for today.