I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I remembered one more thing from yesterday that I wanted to write about but I forgot. Thus it was a realisation about the investing. Once I wrote article about my experience with investing in the past in the derivative market and I realised that I wished that something bad happened in the world because then I would make some profit on the falling market. I got really shocked when I realised it. And so in this moment I decided that I would stop investing. There was also another reason this thing that I mentioned was one of the big ones.
Anyway yesterday I realised that I could invest without wishing that something bad happens in the world so that it would affect the price of the stock. I realised that I could be emotionally free and neutral. I do not have to wish that the market crashes so that I could buy the stock cheaper. I could make investing in the moment without emotions etc. and that should be ok. So this an interesting realisation.
Today I did not work. No gym but I went to play basketball with a friend of mine. It was nice as I really like this game. I did not go for run on the beach lately and I noticed today that I was not so fit to run too much. It should get better as we plan to play more regularly.
Apart from this I did a really nice meditation and now I want to do it again.
That is all for today.