I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I do not understand why there is a resistance towards the physical exercises again. I had to push myself to go to the gym and I did a lighter training just to do something. Such a drastic change in comparison with just few days ago ! Maybe I did not get enough food to regenerate the muscles ? Maybe the exercises are too intensive and I should do lighter training rather then pushing my limits ? I do not know at the moment. Even though there is this resistance I do not want to stop doing the exercises as soon I would feel weaker and I start puffing when doing some kind of more intensive movements like walking up the mountains etc.
What else ?
I did some work together with my new colleague and it looks like this cooperation can go much further. There is self-movement and determination to go forward. I really like it.
I had a nice meditation today and this reminds me to continue doing it.
I got behind with posting online my articles. It has been over 2 months since I did last time. I should do it soon or otherwise I end up with unnecessary stress in my life.
I see that I have lost a little bit a focus. I was doing this experiment with positivity when I tried to stay focused as much as possible on my goals during the day and lately I see that I have the tendency to waste time or I am less effective.