I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is getting busy at work. But anyway I am not planning to work over my limits like I used to do in the last couple of years. Of course there will be some days when I will have to do more than I want as a result of the unpredictability of my work but I will try to keep it within certain limits as much as possible.
I do not know what to write.
Because I have more work lately I have not been so regular with my meditation, breathing and mental exercises. This is no surprise to. Not that I do not do it. It is just that I am not regular and I also see that there is not the same intensity and force going with it.
Uff... I really do not know what to write. I have been sitting in front of the computer for the last 30 min and it does not move forward.
I start to feel the sweetness in my body. It started more yesterday and today it is more intense. I am observing it and I try to find out the reason for it. I think I have found the connection but I need to confirm it.