I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Hmm... again I am not sure what I could write about. I did not have any interesting realisations today. Well... that is not true. I am looking at the point of how we co-create. Taking into consideration that I am responsible for all my life and that means that I create my entire life and every second of it, I am trying understand how others influence the creation of my life. Because there must be some kind of overlapping creations. This is especially visible when with our close ones ( family, partners, friends etc. ) but then there is also other effect of overlapping with the whole world... isn't it ? And here I ask myself a question of how I can create my things without unwanted influence of other people ?
Then I had a very interesting dream in which I was somewhere in Tibet. I do not know the exact location but it was in the mountains and there were some other things indicating that it was somewhere there. In this dream I was able to change things. For example I was able the shape piece of the wall and then I also showed somebody that I can bend and mold a wooden spoon with my mind.
Why is it interesting ?
This is closely related to my question about creating my reality. And maybe it is really possible to mold the spoon with the mind but in my beliefs ( also overlapping beliefs from other people ) I consider it as something not possible. Well... I question this belief but at the moment it looks like it has strong roots in my life and in my mind.
Anyway back my dream. I find it also interesting because when I woke up I remembered it easy and then I was instantly awake and alert in my mind. I was not sleepy etc.
So in the end I had something to write about and it was actually something important in my process.