I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I spent some time with this person that wants to work with me discussing some points and preparing some publicity. Then it was interesting that I was contacted later during the day by another person who also wants to work with me. Based on the past experience this time I take it differently. Basically I ask people to be responsible for themselves and I do not want to allow that they depend on me in terms of finding them work etc. I offer my help with publicity and with the time we will start doing things together. We will see how it goes.
2 days ago I did a very intensive training and I was recovering from it until today. Anyway I went to gym today and I continue making progress.
I decided to do more exercises as I want to offer my clients new services - personal trainer, nutrition etc. And I want that my body is an example that my method is effective. This is clear. But I also want to point out that mainly I do it for me because I want to have a trained, muscular and toned up body.
I do not know what else should I write.