I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I did manage to get up in the morning and go for a run on the beach. I did not feel like doing it and then I had a perfect excuse that I deserve the rest because yesterday I did an intensive training but in the end I pushed myself to do it. The only thing is that later I felt my muscles and so I decided not to do any more exercises today.
Apart from this I feel that something is blocked in me. The energy does not flow freely. I tried to meditation but it did not help. Though I used a vibration mattress and this helped to move the energy temporarily. This was interesting. I will try to do it again but still there must be other way inside of me to open the flow.
What else ?
I met today a person who over 2 years ago wanted to work with me today on my ( our ) projects. But this person was not ready then and need time to walk her processes. It looks like now she is ready. We are discussing various options and possibilities. So we will see how it goes.