I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I woke up this morning and some time later I started to ask myself a question of what I would like to do today. I had no appointments so I was free to do what I wanted. But then I realised that for some time now I have been doing a lot of decisions based on what I should, what I need etc. For example I made some decisions to go to the beach because it would be good to get some colour on my skin and the see water is good for my hair. And that is fine but what about making decisions based on joy and what I would love to do just because it is fun without any other reasons.
And that was a really good realisation. So I lied in bed and I was asking myself question of what I would love to do. And I made some decision of going to the beach but then there was this point that I do it because it is good for my hair etc. So in the end I decided to go to the mountains. It was good and enjoyable.
Then I decided that today I would go dancing. I looked at the schedule and there is a party with the music that I enjoy to dance to. Well... so I will do it.
So I looked further at this topic and I asked myself another important question of what would happen to our lives if we would always make the decisions based on joy ? You may say that this is not possible. But this is not true. You might be caught in the situation when it seems that you have no choice because you have work, mortgage etc. and you have to do it whether you like it or not. Well... usually we are caught in this type of situations because these are the consequences of making decisions not based on joy in the past. But we can always start now to make new decisions with the joy being the base behind the decisions. And don't you think that the joy will grow more and more in your life ? And you would free yourself from the unpleasant consequences of the past decisions based on other reasons than joy ?
I think I will expand this article further and I will something more tomorrow.