I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I do not know what to write today. I did some work today and then I did my things. I even pushed myself to go to the gym although it would be not such a bad idea to have a break from it and give my body some rest. But in the end I went there and I feel good about it.
Today I had some interesting thoughts and realisation coming up. Thus I am in the process of wanting to achieve my goal. But it does not come as quickly as I would like to. And so I have moments when I enter into the doubts and then I also want to cry out of despair and throw out of the window everything that I know. But then I realised that there is some ultimate truth like I am life, I am the creator of my life and I am responsible for all that happens to me. And this wanting to cry and fall into the emotional despair is something similar to the behaviour of a little child who wants to manipulate its parents to do something for him. Of course there is no need to try to manipulate anybody outside of me because in the end I am manipulating myself. So I can decide to fall into this emotional despair and enter into the cycle of time before I recover from it and try again to stand up and make it happen what I want or just to save myself this waste of time and just do it now. What I mean by saying "doing it now" is to stand up, go forward and stayed focused no matter what. My goal and objective is there. All I need to do is to go forward.
What else ?
I guess that I is all for today.