I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I slept a lot during the day. But it got me into the state of calmness and tranquillity.
I do not know what to write today although earlier there was something in my mind.
I started to do some exercises at home because I want to break through the laziness and be more active again. I plan to go for a run on the beach in the morning if I wake up.
Doing my unusual experiments with the mind and the meditation gets somehow to the point where there are no people around me who would have the same interests. And because of it I cannot really share about it with anybody. That is ok. I have no problem with that. But then there is also a point that those who know me and want to share with me about their "usual and common" experiences are somehow boring to me. This is not a judgment and placing myself above other people. It is just that their experiences are theirs and not mine and I see it somehow boring to hear all the time about the same things. So I decide to withdraw myself more from the people and dedicate this time to my projects and experiments.
The thing with the breathing is not so effective anymore. I play the game but the focus is on the game instead of breathing. Well... the breath is also important but I do not see this 100% priority.