I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Definitely there is a big difference in the awareness of my breath. I still have moments when I am not aware of it but the duration of it is less frequent and shorter. I saw it especially in the gym. I was able to keep my focus and awareness of breath while I was doing my exercises for almost the whole session of training.
I did not play the computer game today. But I will do it now just to check my progress.
My focus on breathing is not there. And so I decided to continue with the game although I did not plan it tonight. But I saw that I was close and I played one more game and one more and eventually it took me over 3 hours. But finally I managed to be aware of my breath in few games in a row. So this is a big progress in comparison with yesterday.
That is all for tonight as it is late and I have work at midday. So I need to get some sleep although I am asking myself why I still need to sleep so long. And then I am wondering why my lungs were not so strong when I I went snorkelling today. Maybe they were over worked and they will strengthen with the training. We will see.