I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Thus I realised that I was busy either with the mind or with the root ( sexuality ) but within this I was missing the hearth. And the whole point is that I can still be busy with my mind and play the computer game or masturbate ( focus on the root ) but uniting it with the hearth. When I realised it yesterday I felt a lot of sweet energy around my hearth and in my body. And I was already asking myself in the last couple of days what is going on with this sweetness as I could not feel it for some time. But now it came very back very strongly.
Last night I went to the dance party. But this sweetness and feeling great started to fade away. When I noticed it I realised that I am not breathing properly. And so I sat down and I started to breath deep. But I could not rise my energy levels with this breathing like I normally do. So I started to suspect that I am inside of the disco and there is not enough fresh air. So I got closer to the door to get some fresh air. But even that was not enough and so I went outside a little bit. But I could not get my energy levels high enough. So then I started to suspect that there could be some influence of other people who suck the energy out of me. I heard couple of my friends talking about something like this in the past and so I started to take into consideration that this is really happening. Anyway I went to eat something to replenish my energies with food and I decided to go home.
I will continue tomorrow because I make further discoveries within this topic.